Saturday, November 28, 2015

Breath of God

God breathed life into being at Creation. When Christ breathed His last breath, the war over death was won. Arisen from the dead, Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit into His disciples (John 20:22). All Scripture is God-breathed (1 Timothy 3:16). The breath of God is a mighty and powerful thing. How remarkable is the love of God that He breathes joy and peace into our lives through whispers and shouts. 

During this season of my life, the Lord has spoken to me in really cool ways. 

Leaving friends and family behind to begin a new stage of life at Samford University, God whispered, "I've got you. This is exciting. Just love people with all you've got."

Getting adjusted to this whole new life that comes with being a college kid, God whispered, "Life is full of changes. Finding your way is a journey. Glorify me in this journey because I'm holding your hand. You don't have to have everything figured out to bring Me praise. Have faith and worship Me in the process of figuring things out."

After receiving my first not-so-great grade on a test that I studied tirelessly for, God whispered, "Be confident in my calling on your life. Just because I have called you to it doesn't mean the load will be light just that faith is your strength. Work your hardest and let me do the rest because you can't do anything without me anyways."

When I grew tired and weary, God whispered, "I am victorious. And you are Mine."

When I felt insufficient, God whispered, "I look at you and see grace. I look at you and see my beautiful child. I look at you and wish you would just fall in my arms. I look at you and wish you would give me control. Beth, be strong in grace. My sufficient grace."

When I felt frustrated or out of control, God whispered through a sermon at Brook Hills, "Let go. Let go of this thing you think is control. It's a lie because I am the only one who holds the power to control. Let go at the foot of the cross and hold on to faith in the glorious Lord Jesus Christ."

When I felt purposeless and so far from Haiti, God whispered through a new friend, "You are going to lead a trip to Haiti." My friend said, "I just want to live life with them." That's my heart for Haiti. I told her that I was thinking about going to Haiti over Christmas break and she explained how she had been waiting for to go back.

When I felt broken-hearted and full of fear, God whispered through the presence of precious friends, "Trust me. I love you. I love this broken world. And you are not alone."

When I felt overjoyed and overcome with gratitude for the amazing people the Lord has put in my life, God whispered, "This is just a glimpse of eternity. Just get ready."

When parked at an overlook piled in the back of my car with a couple of the dearest friends overlooking a blanket of fog lit up by the lights of the city beneath it, God's voice thundered, "YOU ARE SO LOVED. This is who you are. No matter what happens in life, this is what you can come back to: you are adored by a merciful God, a loving Father, a victorious Ling, and a redeeming Savior. You are so loved by me and there's no changing that."

I came to realize that any voice I hear that speaks contrary to this truth of love is from Satan. Satan is extremely deceptive and is good at what he does. He has been on attack on life recently. How joyous it is to say that he can't win. My God has won. With a small breath of the Lord, Satan is defeated. With a small breath of the Lord, His kingdom comes. Let every breath that comes from our lungs sing His praises. Breath brings life. Thank you, Lord, for breathing life into me and my life through relationships, sermons, and fellowship with you. You are so good.

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