Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Grace

The Christmas season is always full of bright lights and joyful spirits. However, two little Moldovan additions to our family know just how to spunk things up a little bit! Teaching Will and Lena about what Christmas is, why we celebrate it, and how we celebrate is not only encouraging but has also refreshed the true meaning of Christmas. Watching Will and Lena participate in Christmas traditions is an overwhelming picture of grace. This time last year, they were living in an orphanage in Moldova. This year, they are excitedly learning about Jesus' birth, learning Christmas songs, and being lavished in Christ's love. Thinking of the stark contrast in their lives this year and last year is the most perfect example of why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a time of joy because we are celebrating the perfect gift of grace. Transforming grace.

 Grace that fulfilled prophecies from hundreds of years before. (Isaiah 9:6-7)

 Grace that came humbly to this world through the birth of a virgin. (Matthew 1:22-23) 

 Grace that left His heavenly home to this fallen world for our sake. (Philippians 2:6-11)

 Grace that is Love and set an incredible example for us to live by. (Ephesians 5:1-2) 

 Grace that came and suffered on our behalf. (Mark 8:31) 

 Grace that sacrificed Himself, because He so desperately wants us to spend eternity with Him. (John 3:16) 

 Grace that conquered death. (Romans 6:4 and Acts 2:24) 

 Grace that sent His Spirit to be with us forever. (Acts 2:38)

 Our Emmanuel, God with us, is with us for eternity, because our God is alive and lives in us. Christmas is so much more than a celebration of a birth. Christmas calls for pure rejoicing and gratitude because our God is love fighting for us as He stands by our side.

 We celebrate Christmas because it was the beginning of hope for us. 

 We celebrate Christmas because of the overwhelming love poured out on us through His Son. 

 We celebrate Christmas because our God cares enough to sacrifice Himself for us so that He can relate to us. (On my first trip to Haiti, I felt an overwhelming longing to be able to relate to and "be one of" the Haitians. This feeling was a result of an instant love for the people of Haiti and led to an incredible, life-changing journey of loving God and others. This is the feeling that the Lord felt for us. How humbling!) 

 We celebrate Christmas because God is with us. Realizing the power of that statement brings me to my knees. God is with me, fighting for me, loving me. 

 We celebrate Christmas because it is perfect demonstration of God's character. Our God is loving, merciful, powerful, peaceful, sovereign, just, gracious, humble, providing, sustaining, holy, sacrificial, faithful, and with me. God is love shown powerfully through the sacrifice of His Son.

 We celebrate Christmas because it shows the power of His promises. He cannot fail. He keeps His promises and fulfills His prophecies in incredible detail.

 Christmas is about worship, sacrifice, and gratitude. Christmas is celebrating our great God. My little brother, Will, had it all right when he was playing with the shepherds, wise men, and animals of a little nativity set and said, "Look, they are all looking at baby Jesus." That's how God designed Christmas to be, to point our eyes to Christ, see His character, and live in obedience resulting from love. 

 This year, with the help of my younger siblings, I have become awed in the meaning of Christmas and the greatness of my God. Overwhelmed by the surrounding grace covered in the power of love. 

 Praying for a season of celebrating and worshipping our indescribable Savior for all! Merry Christmas!! 

 Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests."

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